Keep Metro Vancouver moving with a plan to


Expand our transit system


Improve our road network


Add walking & cycling paths

Access for Everyone - Logo - White

The new plan for expanding public transit across Metro Vancouver and improving infrastructure for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

With federal and provincial government funding, we can reduce GHG emissions, improve affordability and keep our region moving.

Whether you ride in a bus or a car, on rail, a bike, wheels or your own two feet – no matter where you live in Metro Vancouver –

Access for Everyone has something for you.

Group 22@2x

We need to get moving, now!


Population Growth

The federal government is targeting a big increase in immigration that will bring hundreds of thousands of new residents to Metro Vancouver over the next 25 years – more than we’ve planned for. Unless we invest in our transportation system now, our region won’t be able to handle this population growth.



Metro Vancouver is the most expensive region in the country for housing. Affordable transit and expanding to more parts of the region helps people lower their monthly transportation budgets and opens up options for living in more affordable communities.


Climate Action

The more people use transit, the more cars we remove from the road, lowering GHG emissions and keeping our air clean. A transit system that’s easier for people to access is a critical part of meeting federal and provincial climate action targets.

A plan for everyone

Group 7

The Access for Everyone plan will reach every corner of the region, helping people get where they need to go.

With federal and provincial funding, the Access for Everyone plan will double bus services across Metro Vancouver, introduce nine new Bus Rapid Transit lines, and enable TransLink to take the next steps to adding rapid transit on the heavily congested North Shore, to SFU and UBC and other parts of the region.

Learn more about the plan

Future of Metro Vancouver transit at stake in this Provincial Election

Mayors’ Council calls on B.C. political parties to make commitments needed to save transit, avoid catastrophic cuts to TransLink services   Vancouver, B.C. – As the October 19 provincial election approaches, the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation has issued an open letter to B.C. political party leaders calling for commitments to prioritize funding for Metro…